About Us
Welcome to DIDES
Dodoma Institute of Development and Entrepreneurship Studies is the Institute responsible in provision of education in Certificate, Diploma as well as higher level. Also it is responsible for providing short courses and seminars to government officials and other private and public works for increasing work efficiency in their work place with vision to offer Degree in future. Through research the Institute recognizes the gap between student who complete form four and form six education and those who get chance to join higher level education, that from enrollment trend it is possible to note that the higher one is goes in the formal education system, the less enrollment of the student particularly in secondary to high school levels. The main reason however, is that there are fewer chances upwards leading to competition for study position, some few form fours leavers are absorbs by some vocational training institutions. However, there remain a big number of secondary school leavers who are not absorbed by the system and left to try out promoting their livelihood on their own. To most people, leaving formal schooling as abandoned failed becomes distressing for themselves and their parents/guardians and at the end of the day, the communities, with their secondary school leavers, end up caught in a vicious cycle of poverty and failure with lost hopes for the future.
DIDES, having become aware of this vicious cycle of poverty and failure through a collaborative research undertaking, took a step in order to bring more hope to the communities and liberate them from the vicious cycle poverty and failure through taping the potentials of the secondary school leavers. DIDES recognized that the left out people are the majority and the major actors in the informal sector of the Tanzanian society. Such are people who are down to earth to do the everyday planning and running of communities as local leaders and providers of different services.